En este formulario se deberán ingresar las especialidades de la empresa. Todo ingreso, debe ser validado mediante dos pasos adicionales:

• El ingreso de una experiencia asociada al rubro, en el formulario de “Experiencia”.
• Un documento que acrediten la prestación del servicio o venta relacionada al rubro y experiencia informados (facturas, órdenes de compra, contratos, etc.), igualmente, en el formulario de “Experiencia”.

NOTA IMPORTANTE: Si no valida las especialidades ingresadas, estas quedaran como No Acreditadas, por lo tanto, no aparecerán en el Certificado SICEP.
This form should be completed with the company’s specializations. All information entered should be validated via two additional steps:

• Enter experience associated with the sector, using the “Experience” form.
• Upload one document as evidence of a service or sale related to the sector and experience entered (invoices, purchase orders, contracts, etc.), also using the “Experience” form.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do not validate the specializations entered, these will be listed as Not Accredited, therefore, they will not appear on the SICEP Certificate.
Buscar Rubros | Search Sectors
Enter the name of the class, sector or sub-sector that you would like to register in the search window. The system will display a list of the results that match the text entered.

When an item is selected from the list, the system will ask you to confirm in order to register the new sector.
Once registered, it is advisable to complete the experience associated with the new sector.
Eliminar Rubro | Delete Sector
Al seleccionar un ítem del listado, permite eliminar un rubro de la empresa.
Delete a sector when item is selected from the list.
Ver Experiencia | View Experience
Al seleccionar un ítem del listado, el sistema muestra las experiencias asociadas al rubro.
The system will show experience associated with the sector when item is selected from the list.
Exportar Lista | Export List
Descarga archivo Excel con los rubros registrados por la empresa.
Download Excel file with the sectors registered for the company.
Validar Información | Validate Information
Valida la información de los rubros registrados.
Validate information on sectors registered.
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